
Sunday, July 17, 2016

How to create Video Upload API using Python Flask Dockers Apache2 Nginx Reverse Proxy SSL Lesson 1

Python Flask Video Upload API

#python #flask #pythondockers #pythonnginx #pythonapache2reverseproxy #pythonnginxreverseproxy #ubuntudockers
Hello and welcome to my blog.Today onwards we going to start a new journey.I'm going to teach you How to build complete video upload REST API using python flask.
so stay with me.
Here is the plan of this lesson series.around 50

  1. Introduction of the project and Setup our working environment.
  2. Create User Registration System using Python Flask.
  3. Create email Sending API for user verification Using Python Flask.
  4. Create API for verified user Identification Using Python Flask.
  5. Create API for user Login Using Python Flask.
  6. Create API for change user email using Python Flask.
  7. Create user email change email sending API.
  8. Create video upload API.
  9. create view uploaded video API.
  10. Change uploaded video details API.
  11. Delete uploaded video API.
  12. Apache reverse proxy.
  13. nginx reverse proxy.
  14. Create docker image from docker file.
  15. Create docker container from docker image.
  16. Create mongodb docker image.
  17. Link web service docker and mongodb docker.
  18. Change host file in ubuntu.
  19. Create virtual host in apache2.
  20. Create virtual host in nginx.
  21. Use unix socket insted of the tcp socket nginx.
  22. Install uwsgi and run flask app.
  23. Create wsgi and run flask application using wsgi.
  24. Commit docker.
  25. Rename docker.
  26. Restart docker.
  27. Stop docker.
  28. Restart docker.
  29. Remove docker image.
  30. Remove docker container.
  31. Stop all running docker container in one click.
  32. Remove all stopped container in one click.
  33. Use https for the flask application.
  34. Redirect http to the https in nginx
  35. Launch flask app to google app engine.
  36. Use single run command in docker file.
  37. Restart flask app if it is crashed.
  38. Run flask app using shell file.
  39. Run flask app using shell file with nohup command.
  40. Create non root ubuntu account to build and run docker image.
  41. How to run any file when docker container start.
  42. Build and run docker container and run video upload web service inside the docker file using one shell script.
  43. Use advance rest client to check your web service.
  44. Use postman to check your web service.
  45. Use curl to check your web service.
  46. How to use GET request to check your web service.
  47. How to use POST method to send request to your web service.
  48. How to use form encoded for send request to web service.
  49. How to solve url character limited nginx.
  50. How to solve apache errors.
  51. How to get POST and GET method both in flask application.
  52. What is IBM Bluemix.
  53. How to deploy docker image to IBM Bluemix. 
Plase share and comment.Have a good day

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